Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Head Coverings (I Cor 11:2-16)

Whew! That was intense! I just finished Chapter 1. I kept getting tricked by his pattern of explaining six different ways to interpret each phrase before landing on the one he thinks is most accurate. I guess he does that so each person trying to refute his interpretation sees their version in there before he reveals what he believes to be the most contextual explanation.

His interpretation of head coverings and "head"ship make logical sense to me. I like that he concludes that "Paul's purpose was to make Christianity available to more people, to increase its cultural appeal to the majority of those who would be interested in it. If our churches' dress codes turn people away from the church rather than bring them in, we have failed to catch Paul's motives or his message." I see churches and Christians (myself included sometimes) doing a lot of this--missing the point of the message of Jesus. The old saying of "minoring in the majors and majoring in the minors."

It's also good to hear a theologian say that there is NOTHING in 1 Cor 11:2-16 that suggests wives' subordination. Because "head" in those days was capable of many meanings and that nothing here indicates it meaning subordination. I take that to mean that men and women are different (as in distinguishable, not ranked) and should not attempt to disguise the differences--but that both are created in God's image and should be treated equally.

Honestly, in my opinion, to do otherwise will NOT increase the church's cultural appeal. Isn't Paul the one who's always telling us to lay aside our rights when it might help someone find Jesus?

I certainly think Keener affirms the fact Paul was trying to tell women that although they had a right to cover or uncover their own heads, in that culture it could be detracting--like a women in today's culture wearing a bathing suit to lead worship. Though not illegal, it would hardly be conducive to worship and might even cause someone to fall into sin.

I suppose he is building this case about head coverings since it's one our church family tends to easily put aside as cultural instead of transcultural.

But let me say that this chapter, though yielding several "yellow highlighter moments," was as good as a tranquilizer to me. I've fallen asleep at least three nights in a row while reading it.

Belinda, I agree with your scenario in the comments of the last post, and I offer another:

"The other day I was at Blank Church and a woman stepped forward to read the scriptures. And you'll never believe it, but she wasn't wearing a bra! A thin white top and NO BRA! I don't remember anything much about Jesus after that."

Obviously that would be culturally taboo in these parts. However, even current culture varies. That might not be a problem at all in rural Africa. Hmm.

Is everybody ready to head to Chapter 2 (the shortest chapter in the book) on I Cor 14:34-35? I don't want to jump ahead of ourselves, so just let me know if we should spend another day or two in Chapter 1. Once I hear from you guys, via comments, I'll set a date for finishing chap 2.

Glad to see the comments on the last post. Keep up the good work!



Anonymous said...

I'm reading Chapter 2 but am in no shape to discuss it, yet.

I was at a church recently where the praise team and band were on stage and there were a lot of lights... it's all very theatrical and it was distracting to me. I spoke with my friend, Donna, about it and it's not distracting at all to her. It just proved to the point about distractions in a more understandable way.

LET said...

I say give us maybe a week to read chapter 2. I can read a novel very quickly, but this kind of book takes me longer. I've never been in a worship service with lights, praise team, and band, but I think it would be distracting to me, too. When I was in college, I had to go to the library to study where it was quiet and I could concentrate. Maybe that's just my personality. John could study 2 or 3 things simultaneously while listening to music, which drove me crazy!

Lara said...

I worshipped like never before at a Chris Tomlin concert in March. It was an awesome evening of praise, worship. I get distracted by the quiet sometimes. I like the music LOUD to drown out the voices in my head. Oh, the people! (homage to Sally Field as 'Sybil')

Lara said...

Let's say Chapter 2 by June 9th.

Our Family said...

Just FYI...Chapter 2 is very short. It didn't take me long to read it at all...unlike the preceding sections!

I really don't have anything to add to what you all have said about the Head Coverings section. I did really find the points he made about the meaning of "head" interesting.

I am really enjoying this book. At times, it is way over my head, or I'm too tired to digest it all really well.

THanks to Lara or whoever got this started!